Saturday, February 04, 2012

let me help you open your funkin' door.

 the other day on granville island, right in front of the pickle, a kid was trying to open the door to his car. a beautiful 1998 toyota tercel. he was having a time of it. i was waiting for mishi so i had a little time and went over and gave him a few words of advice and then realized my advice needed some added tools that he didn't i went to my car and also grabbed a thing from the pickle and away we went. he was trying to get the latch inside in a way i knew wouldn't work. so, politely, i told him to give me the coat hanger, bent it up in a slightly better way, and told him to hold the tools i had inserted in the door. after a few minutes the door was open and we were all on our ways. not before he offered up a Funk Hunters t-shirt. i guess he's a hunter of funk.
turns out the funk hunters are a couple of guys from vancouver who travel the world as hipster dj's in the manner of too many dj's or soulwax. pretty good stuff, if you like that sort of thing. they have a mixtape you can download from their site.


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