Monday, April 09, 2007

i can tell you all you need to know...

so jesus must have seen his own shadow because we're back to rain after a short flirtation with the sun. back to winter-like conditions for a least another couple of weeks until...well, until the sun decides it's time to try again. fuckin' vancouver-i'm so glad i came back from arizona.
last night's sopranos lasagna fest turned out alright as far as i can see. most had seconds of the big cheesey italian casserole and then we had a little ice cream...'he who cannot be named' came but did not have any noodley goodness but the garbs, mishi and penelope had their fair share fact, they all went home with some leaving me with one more piece to eat at my discretion.
the return of tony was good as well...a bit of a slow start but then bobby took over and it was a goos time...maybe not for tony but for us as viewers. there was a storyline involving AJ that turned into nothing, at least thus far, that kinda made no sense but made it'll come back and bite him in the ass...hopefully...i think AJ's gonna die somehow. anyhow...welcome back tony...and the housewives later on made it all a very complete sunday.
ok. easter monday...whatever that means....feels like sunday...

g. xo

the garbs and mishi both give the snacks a thumbs-up...


domesticallydisabled said...

it snowed in halifax...jox

muc b said...

somebody really likes pepper.