Sunday, April 08, 2007

he who cannot be named...from now on.

ok. sure. i name names here. i say who i was with, my comings and goings, my day to day. so fuckin' what? ok...i have one pal who told me once, or maybe more than once, that he didn't ever want his picture on the blog...i did put his picture on here once, maybe twice but then it stopped, i didn't know i wasn't allowed to mention his name...but i now know that...he's so secretive. so from now on he will be refered to as "he who cannot be named"..ok. good.

tonight, after a long day of tring to get shit done-not entirely successfully, i ended-up at topanga cafe with corie, the companion and the fawnz...the fawnz and companion have or had never met so tonight, after a few near misses, they finally met up and had a chat over mexican snacks-what better way? corie was i great pain as his knee has gone south on him and was wincing throughout the entire meal, except when chewing or sipping his assorted beverages...hopefully he has his leg up and another cold beverage in his hand.

i did manage to help the queen out of a funk today, go to bosa and get some groceries and a sandwich, go look at a lawn to potentially cut in burnaby, have a coffee with the network-and she gave me a nice dark chocolate easter bunny, and made an appearance on granville island and had a look at the garbs new glitter vinyl plush angry ice cream soon...and in there somewhere was me finishing off the roof/sliding door thingy at the garden centre behind eugene choo...maybe i did get some stuff done today. tomorrow i'm gonna make lasagna for the new sopranos season opener. good luck to me...

ok. go to bed.

g. xo

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