Sunday, April 15, 2007

dandilions and hockey

the lack of sun has really put a damper on the grass cutting but today the sun actually came out long enough for me to get the animal hospital lawn (?) cut today. i should have been there thursday to cut it but the rain kinda fucked me. when i got there today all i could see were that how you spell that? anyhow. it's not so much a lawn but more of a grassy green space with a healthy portion that is actually moss with a soft swampy feel to it. i'm hoping that the sun will stay out a bit more so it's less sponge, more solid's a workout to be sure.
our first cowboys playoff game was tonight. we held our own up until the start of rthe third period when it was 2-2...and by the end of the game it was 7-2-not for us. oh well....we suck, but i have to say i kinda had fun. then we headed to topanga for a well deserved snack. i had a full meal deal tonight....with the cheese and all...i'm so fucked. the first bombers game is tomorrow night in north van. the start of more good times.

g. xo

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