Friday, April 06, 2007

cuttin' lawns and fixing roofs...

one false move and you can kiss yer burrito good-bye.

a typical thing for lawn order after all. we, well i gues me now, kinda will do it all. cut lawns, fix roofs, whatever and anything for a buck...that's the truth. today after cutting keith and then jessica's lawns, i headed over to the flower factory garden centre that marcy still kinda heads-up and had a go at making so the roof of the little kiosk/sales centre doesn't leak as badly as it did last year. actually, i was the one who slapped together a solution last year but due to wind and rain and other shitols, it needed it again. i think this time it should be better as i had more time to kinda think about it and make it better. i hope. kinda scary up there on that's a kit thing that really should be replaced by next year so when you're up on top you don't feel exactly like it's gonna hold whatever comes its way. and if you were to slip and put your foot inbetween the 2" x 4" supports, you'd be a gonner...but i was happy to help...
tonight we're off to see the giants game-the beginning of the second round of the playoffs...good cheap fun.

have fun...

g. xo

how much shit can you get in an element? well...a big ass stainless steel sink is one thing...moving shit for the garden centre is fun...

a beautiful job by lawn order.

marcy gets the garden centre ready in her new orange shirt courtesy of mishi.


Herb Koguchi said...

That's amazing of you to do all these stuff. You're a very cool person. I'd like to know more about your roofing experiences, if you don't mind.

your favorite idiot said...

um...i put some poly on a keep the water out...