Sunday, February 25, 2007

muc, buunt, garbis, larry and me

i had some grand plans for today. actually i didn't. i needed to cut some wood-i didn't. i needed to get some groceries. i didn't. i wanted to pack-up some shit i sold on ebay. did that. i wanted to give some shit to larry-mishi's fat alcoholic former shop landlord. did that. sort of. garbs and i actually did that together. larry, without getting into all the details, basically overcharged mishi and her former partners on rent for the last 12 years to what amounts to approx. 60K-70K. no shit. not a made-up story for fun. he's an asshole and karma's gonna be a bitch. to be sure.
ok...enough of i had plans and then muc called and asked if i wanted to go to the giants hockey, after i packed-up at a few items at BOC i headed over and grabbed muc and headed over to buunt's to get him and go to the game. paul clarke ahd given him some tickets so it was a free-for-all...nice. the game was a bit of a blow-out but it's always great to hang with the belke boys.
off the seattle tomorrow to grab some more fabric for more garbis industries bags. we may have found a place that has it much cheaper than the stuf i bought in portland and closer. we'll see. i may drop by boeing surplus as well...never a dull minute there.

ok..bed soon.

have fun.

g. xo

the belke boys enjoy the giants.

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