Thursday, February 15, 2007

a day like any other...

today was the day that i had to go and look at the couch and see if they had made any great strides in fixing the's fine. great? nope. but fine and i'm sick of not having a couch so, there ya'll be back here saturday and i'll see if i can live with it. it's better but not perfect and maybe i'm just being a hard ass...if in the end i can't live with it i'll sell it and get a better one from Bombast-where i got my new chair and it'll be much better. do i recommend UA? can i ? sort of-nice guys but in the end they have become a bigger company-which is not a bad thing-but the quality is going downhill and that's the price of fame i suppose. i will not buy another thing there ever and i'm sure they don't care if i do or don't but, i will tell others to maybe try Bombast instead....
so then i dropped by granville island to see the garbs and se how things were going on the glitter bag front...not so of the colors of vinyl is condiserably thinnner thatn the red and blue and it's a tough go for the garbs to make a bag from down the shitter in portland has shown some interest in the bags but in black, grey and green so we'll have to get fabric that color and see how that goes...i'll go down there in a while and see them and hopefully sell a few bags for the garbs....i am going to step back from garbis industries and just watch and offer help when asked to...he is garbis industires and i have made a few contacts for he can run with long as i get a cool bag for myself i'm happy-or as happy as i get. those bags look great and should do okay for him.
then it was off to get my haircut-which went fairly smoothly. afterwards we drve down to the templeton to get some lunch...danielle was working so it was nice and we got what we wanted and it was all good...then jessica-the owner of the joint, showed up and i made mention of fixing their neaon sign in the we went up to her office to disconnect the old tarnsformer and match it to new one. on my way down from the office i took a little tumble...well, maybe a big tumble down the stairs-which are very steep and a little slippery...i am one sore guy now. it was impossible for me to stop myself one i was going. there's no railing to grab or anythng, so it was just one big idiot wth gravity working against him...the cook saw this happening and was horrified but could do nothing as he saw me falling towards him...i got up and went outside to catch my breath...i have a few srapes and probably bruises later, that was an exciting lunch....

these ARE the good times....

g. xo

danielle serves up lunch...

jessica and me...

jessica tries to avoid the camera....

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