Sunday, May 04, 2008

let's go for a ride and get a burger.

i had an odd thing happen today out side our place as i exited the parkade, but it's a long, hard thing to describe so - ask me about it if you see me and i'll tell has to do with the vancouver marathon, run today, and a whole load of folks running towards me as i tried to drive to the shop to get my mowers....and some shrugging.
stella and i went to richmond this morning to cut the dog lawn and then go back to the shop to clean the elephant and have a nice little visit with al...i love that guy.
in the afternoon shauna and i hopped on our bikes - her new silver rocket whcih she is loving...and rode down to granville island to see mishi and get a snack of some sort. it was a great day for a ride and after we had had our visit, we rode back towards home but then took a u-turn and headed back towards the seawall and rode the entire wall around to the bayshore. neither of us ever goes over there - and in fact shauna had never (before today0 gone around the stanley park section of the seawall...and when we saw some of the stores and restaurants near the bayshore and coal harbour, it felt like we were in a completely different city - which ain't a bad thing....
shauna also broke apart her glasses again today - they were broken last week and we've fixed them three times now - today's fix up was at the pickle using some of mishi's five minute epoxy. shauna has ordered me frames but won't get them until later this week...
ok...bed time...
see ya.

g. xo

we have floating things like this here?



before the dreaded glass break.

all fixed. nice.

chris rocks the coffee bar.

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