Monday, May 23, 2011

one sweaty guy...

me, not the garbs...
that was a day.
i started off my day walking from garvie's to my place - 19th and main st. to 4th ave and fir - then went and cut three lawns (i bought a new honda quadra cut and it's fucking awesome!), cooked up some mini burgers and veggies at the garnyard for ailsa and fiona and then, after they went home full of bbq goodness, i put five tomato plants on the basket of my bike and took them to mishi and garbs at the manhattan for their rooftop garden. then over the cambie bridge to whole pay cheque to get some staples for tomorrow's breakfast...i'm tuckered out.

here are a few pics form the last few no order whatsoever.

have a great week.

g. xo

my weed seeds....they're germinating right now.

tomato delivery.

ha ha h aha ha ha ha ha...maybe greg - who gave me a great phone call the other night - should buy these for his home.

mmmm....grilled sweet potatoes.

tomatoes in my basket.

the garbs and garvie.

fiona loves her burger.

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