Tuesday, December 05, 2006

them's weird trees...

so today after venturing down to a coffeeshop i had seen the day before-i have to try and find some good coffee in this town...and i should say that it hasn't happened yet. so, what was i saying? oh, after getting a coffee i headed up to some mall thing in the hills. renne said to check it out. kind of an outdoor mall. the only place i actually went into was this place called A.J.'s..all i can say is, imagine meinhardt on south granville but on steroids. oh, and a sushi bar inside and a bbq pit thing outside. i bought a couple sodas and split.
i then headed to Seguaro West. a seguaro is a cactus for those who may not know. it's the cactus you've seen a million times in bugs bunny or roadrunner cartoons. and Seguaro West is a national park just outside of tucson. you see literally thousands of seguaros on the way there but in the actual park, which is a dirt road thing, you are surrounded by them. thousands of them. and i guess rattlesnakes.
i found a toy store near the coffeeshop as well and was chatting with the dude who owns it. good guy. store needs a little help.

here's the day in pictures.

g. xo


peter jetzer street.

more tucson stuff.

this reminded me of a picture i took in france. another shop called REX.

hey a cactus..or two.

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