Thursday, December 21, 2006

shaker faces, noodles and my love of neo citran....

i'm not sick buit i am developing a certain debra winger-like edge to my voice. i am cooking up some neo citran as i write this and then will drink it and pass out-probably.
went and dropped off my old chair today to issy's, went to point roberts and picked-up a couple packages (one of which was a cool new polycarbonate case for my laptop...pretty cool)-smuggled one, showed the bill for the other...the border guard was a dick and then i went and rewarded myself with a filet-o-fish and a mcchicken...i am on fuckin' crack..not a great move on my part.
it was a busy day actually. did all that then went to topanga and took some measurements, dropped by granville island, went to pacwest and cut the wood for said shelves, went to the postal outlet and picked-up some stupid headset thingy telus had sent me...came home, had a little relax and then went to the bodyworks show at science world...(kinda boring...) and then met up with the garbs and mishi at the noodle box place on 4th...very full day...and now i need a big sleep...

see ya tomorrow...

g. xo

my new laptop case...geekfest in full effect.

the garbs.

mishi attenpts the blurry face.

more garbs eating noodles.

my pal.

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