Saturday, July 22, 2006

saturdays goodness....

so it's the end, or close, of another fine day...corie and i had to work and are still actually workinf..i think we're outta here soon..he'll have to put in some hours tomorrow before they head up to whistler for the week...who's gonna water his plants?

we're off to the cirque, the network, garbs and mishi...i have to admit i tried to bail on it but i got too much greif from the kids so i'm going...maybe i can catch a nice nap while i'm body has gone into shutdown mode and i need a lot of couch time tomorrow i think...and coffee...

have fun...

g. xo

mishi and garb's building...looks good around the magic hour...

1 comment:

domesticallydisabled said...

thanks g. i'm glad you came with us...jox