Wednesday, July 26, 2006

point roberts you're my lady!

well, it was almost rubber glove time yesterday in point roberts, washington... i had a small window of time near lunch and had to go pick-up the new lawn order/coolerator shirts in richmond and Al had some seatbelts he had ordered come into point roberts so i thought..."i'll go get 'em for al..."... all went well until i fumbled my way through a shitty story at the let me preface this by saying i have gone through that border crossing possibly thousands of times....literally. and have been busted once before when i was 17 or so with cans of beer. yesterday was the next time...long story short, they threatened me with impounding my car and making me pay a huge fine if i didn't come clean-they knew i was did i came clean and they basically let me go after paying the duty....awesome lunchtime action...
got the new lawn order and coolerator shirts. i love 'em. the kids seem to as well. i'm not sure if i've ordered enough but i'm doing my best. fawn was the first to get her new coolerator shirt and she rocked it for me in the office over her work clothes...i needed to see one on...looked great. i've handed out a few more and will let a few more fly today.
had some fish and chips at olympia last night with garbs and mishi. are they gonna have to change their name? i hope not...but it's right across the street from the biker starbucks at thurlow and robson...after all these years i still don't get that action. every night during the summer there they are...hanging out all night, in their leathers, bike harley's and frappocinos....all fuckin' night. then they ride home. seems like a great reason to buy a 35,000.00 motorcycle.

have fun today.

g. xo

mishi and garbs sport the new coolerator duds...

nice work renee... she drew the coolerator image..

marcy rocks the new coolerator look all the kids will want...

1 comment:

domesticallydisabled said...

thanks g....awesome shirts. jox