Thursday, July 13, 2006

holding my breath and garbs get portlandized...maybe

this may be be coming to an apartment near you...soon...

today i waited, holding my breath-not literally, while i waited for a call from fed/ex regarding a package coming from new jersey..not for me but for the show..there had been a couple of fuck-ups...and now it was all on the line...well, they didn't call like they said they would but i jumped the gun and called was i bolted to richmond-the airport, and grabbed it and brought it back here-not before hitting solly's bagels on the way back first...
so it all seems fine now but we'll/i'll know for sure once friday afternoon comes and everything is installed...holding my breath some more..
had a nice visit with monica today at jj bean..she is one of the barista's there..i like her..she interesting and just a little kooky in a good way...i asked her today what she wanted to be when she grew-up...i think she's 24...she said she doesn't want to be rich but rather to be doing something creative and be self-sufficent and work very, that's sounds perfect...where did i go wrong?

i found out today that Upper Playground, a hipster dufus store from san francisco is opening a store in portland-something i suspected a while back and their grand opening is the august long weekend and i was already planning to go down it makes even more sense...they have an art gallery there as well as a retail clothing aesop rock is going to be doing some live in-store stuff...the garbs and i may head down saturday just time time for the festivities...which actually start thursday but i can't get there then, i do have to work...anyhow, the garbs will finally get a taste of the famous la bonita burrito! and a coffee at stumptown....good times...

more details as they develop

g. xo

1 comment:

domesticallydisabled said...

wow...he's handsome! jox