Wednesday, April 06, 2011


is it one word or two? could be either i suspect so i'm making it one. fuckit should be one word as well. fuck off - two words. fuckit. one word.
just sayin'.
here's my report.
the first bombers playoff game is friday night and while i have to miss it, i'm putting my heart behind them and will be willing them to victory. go bombers. go green. go blue.
garvie and i will be dining on tacos friday at lunch and then some other goodness at night and then the next morning she's off to toronto for a week of meetings and dinners out. i don't think she's a huge fan of business travel but it's part of the job she goes. silver eagle. drooling on travel pillows.
i've decided that since my deck is, or at least was last year, such a heat sink that i should take advantage and grow some mary jane out there. seems 'criminal' if i don't at least give it a go. so for those of you who don't come over that often, you may want to visit in sept. then you may go home with a gift. the magic seeds are a bit pricey but i don't care as it may be a one time only deal and what's 50 bucks amongst seed pals?
richmond fontaine has a new album in the can and will be releasing it in sept. - so you could take a present from my place and then go listen to the new album...which i have to say scares me a little...not the thought of smoking pot and then listening to the album, but the description of the album...
We've just finished recording our new album "The High Country". It's a gothic love story set in a rural logging community in Oregon. Something more than a concept record, it's a novel-sized story set to music... a "song-novel"... and it's pretty wild. It's set to be released in September with subsequent tours in Europe and USA."
so...who knows?
started working on my taxes last night...i have a system - not a great one, but a system and it takes me two nights and then it's done. total time - three hours. i'll have them all in a box tomorrow and will have capt. cornflake - our driver - take them to the man - my accountant, and that's that. there's always a few questions and extra things needed, and that's cool, but it'll be done. ish.

a bike i have been looking at went on sale and when i called yesterday they had one left...hopefully on the weekend they'll still have one left...

have a wicked night....hope you're watching baseball.

g. xo

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