Wednesday, June 06, 2007

the man they call muc. he's a friend of mine.

as i mentioned earlier, muc has accepted a job in smithers b.c. as his first professional radio gig - pretty cool. i'm sure i'm not alone in saying, we're all kinda feeling a little proud of our boy right now.
he's a good man that muc.

i first met the brothers belke shortly after he and brent moved here from edmonton, moving there traveling SNFU/Wheat Chiefs roadshow to the west coast. we met through dave fortune and had our first ever meet and greet at the old zulu records on 4th ave. shortly after that we all started playing hockey together with the likes of jay scott and the other DOA hockey cohorts - what a bunch we were. names that will make no sense or mean anything to anyone but the games then were populated with a lot of great guys - fortune, jay, ralph, lane dunlop, brent, dan cimeroni, zeljko karlica, glen d'cruze, keith parry every once in a while, jim flunkee, tim cheba, dave rees, joey shithead, jay bentley, etc...nice. we played at the agridome at the pne.

muc and i later played together in pepe deluxe, the world's greatest fake mexican rock band - which also included muc's twin brother brent. the shows were few, maybe six in total, maybe more but a great time and eventful.
i could go for a long time recounting my great memories of muc but i won''ll make it sound like a eulogy and it's not...i just wanted to give a little salute to muc and wish him all the best in smithers and hope it's his first step towards bigger and brighter gigs in broadcasting....good work!

g. xo

our man muc.


Lena said...

actually, many of those names mean something to me. i haven't thought about glen for years. and dave rees stands out as a guy who's ass i would have loved to kick if i was a guy. ;)

muc b said...

thanx garn. i'll be back for sure. i like lena's comment about dave rees.