Tuesday, June 06, 2006

happy birthday judy! and k-win buys me a burrito....

judy and corie at the topanga...

today is judy zallen's birthday...she's a good one to be sure, i love her. so i dialed up marcy, actually i was thinking of phoneing her and then the phone rang and it was her...wierd..anyhow...i asked her i f she could make a nice set-up of flowers for judy and she was happy to help...thanks marcy...so hopefully, the good lord willing and if the creek don't rise judy will be getting a nice batch of flowers this afternoon from all the kids...
k-win took me out for my birthday dinner last night...a great birthday burrito...and i told andrew how much the bearing corie and i had put in should have cost him...ten bucks, not one hundred bucks... yikes...call those bastards at russell foods and get yer money back i say...fuckers!
and i gave the garbs and mishi my old ibook to use...and i told the garbs to take care of it...please! oh well, it's outta my hands now...see ya ibook...thanks for all the good times...

g. xo

k-win makes a schmarmy face...

up close and personal...

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