Friday, June 09, 2006

grumpy friday...fuckin' rain....taylor kicks ass at topanga.

how the fuck am i suppose to get lawns done when the weather keeps changing...? man, i've resorted to complaining about the weather...i'm so fuckin' lame...and i'm grumpy real reason...just grumpy.
i went for dinner last night with andy and julie last night...the new addition, taylor, joined us as well, taking time out of his busy was excellent. i don't see them nearly enough and taylor's a good time as well...i handed out a few big rookie shirts, one to andy and one to megan who works at topanga, and handed over a wooden boat corie had ordered for taylor ages it was kind of like a six-month old present.
so fuck you're fuckin' me!

have a great day....

g. xo

lisa at topanga bought some new shoes at gravity pope..she's very proud of them.

julie with taylor...

the big guy...

more taylor action..

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