Saturday, June 27, 2009

first i fall out of the this

so, after hockey the other night i fell/slipped when i was getting out of the shower which felt wicked on my bad back...and really, i think, the image of me there naked on the floor is gonna haunt damon for many years to come..sorry pal...and today i took a little tumble while talking to joel on the phone about his sprinkler problem...
joel called me this morning, because i had phoned him and told him i thought something was up with his sprinkler...he asked me to call the irrigation company and to go into the main water box, near the stairs - in a slightly rocky area - and turn off the main valve. simple. well, there was only one valve that i could see right away - and when i turned it, it opened a small 3/4" valve that sprayed me in the face and soaked my shirt and top of my shorts...cue swearing. all this of course while i'm getting sprayed from above by the actual sprinklers.
joel called back to ask how it was going and as i took the call i went to move from the rocky area where i was so i could talk without being sprayed with water and i slipped on a rock and then a shrub and away i went ass over tea kettle and onto the cement stairs/sidewalk...knee first, phone second. that was the end of that call...cue much more swearing. lucky neighbours.
joel called back and he told me of the right valve, which i found, and presto, water's off...all's well that ends well...except for my knee which is now numb.
ok...i'm home, gonna change and get out there and buy some avocados...

rock on.

g. xo

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