Tuesday, October 07, 2008

a new set of hands...

the other day when i was out cutting the dog lawn, rob, the husband of dr. yvonne, came by and we were talking about nothing but he asked me about my back and how it was...i told him it was better, kind of, but still hurt and that i was gonna try pilates and was still doing the home traction once in while...he said he had a great chiropractor and had i tried bone crackers...i told him i had been sent away from my bone cracker until i/we - me and the doctors, figured ut what the deal was with my back. and as we know, my new doctor, has said i am unfixable, which has to be bullshit, or at least not completely true...anyhow, rob told me about his guy in kits who is, apparently great and who has, in the past, helped some of his pals with their problems...so...i'm gonna go today, after i have lunch with megan, and see him since he's just up from megan's office on west fourth.
rob was also saying how he had seen a doctor on charlie rose who had a bum hand. and he had gone all over the world - because he could because he was a big deal hisownself, and could afford to - and seem doctor after doctor about his hand. and how he had gotten a different answer from every doctor. he, rob, also said that this doctor had done a study that determined that almost every doctor, in every sector, starts making an assessment within 20 or so seconds of meeting you. if you come in and say, "i have an ache in my leg", they start in on a path based on other people who have come in and said the same thing, and then if you add that it has been there for three days after you went running, they close in on a diagnosis they've made before based on that info. and how not enough doctors actually listen to the whole problem before they start thinking about what may be wrong, that everyone is different. anyhow... (did that make any sense...?) no one knew what the problem was, for sure, but they had an idea. but it wasn't until he met with one young doctor who straight out said, "i don't know what's wrong wth your hand" he felt it was refreshing that someone would say they didn't know. (i think in the end they figured out what was wrong but he was happy to have met someone who wasn't trying so hard to find the answer or had already decided the answer...) and i like that too, in a way. i'm not crazy about the answer my guy gave me, and not so much that it pertained to me, this answer, but that he was so certain, that there was nothing that could be done, that i should stop all treatments and just live with it. if, after more home traction, more chiro, and some pilates, it's still fucked, ok, i give, but for now, no way, i'm not stopping. and playing hockey seems to actually help a little, keeps my back moving and fluid. i don't think i can play games back to back, so to speak, but one or two a week if they're spaced out, that'll be fine.
ok...i'm out here...i think, because walking seems to be a good back thing, i'll walk to kits to meet up with megan...see ya later...

g. xo


Lena said...

i'm so glad to hear you're not completely bummed out and still on the search for answers because i am sure that there is a solution, even if it ends up being a combination of approaches that gives you results. and anytime you want to bounce something off someone feel free to drop me a line.

your favorite idiot said...

i am trying not be bummed out, i really am..but i have to admit it's hard. but i am trying none the less....

Lena said...

hang in there g, there are people that can and will help you, you just have to get connected to them.