Saturday, February 26, 2011

(prior to) spring cleaning

i found this photo that was taken by mishi when we were coming back from california with larry.

i have lots of tin ikea boxes that i keep things in. things such as keepsakes, papers, business cards, junk, crap, old birthday cards people have made me, photos, etc...and every once in a while i go through them and get rid of things that have passed their due date. i have done the same with lots of things i have in issy's basement - what once was a very large pile of boxes at her place has gotten smaller and smaller over time. today it was time for me to go through some of the tin boxes here and throw out some crap, and pass along some things to others who may be able to use a bull dog clip or note book i never wrote anything into....ever. and papers are now finding their way to the recycling bin downstairs. i also have a bunch of mixed cds i had made for road trips in larry years ago and i think i'll leave those on the island for the art kids to shuffle through.
i used to be more of a hoarder of the past now i'm getting better at letting it go. i like the feeling of letting it go.

g. xo

lots of crap.

the boxes that store the crap.

i did find four of my teeth that were removed when i had to make room for moving my teeth around when i got braces in 1979-80 i think.

that cubs patch is a winner.

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