Sunday, October 18, 2009

rita's big day out

before my friend debbie left town she saw a bank in a store window that she just had to have except it didn't go on sale until after she was gone so..i grabbed it for her. the bank, now named 'rita', had a big day out today...don't ask why...she just did. i told debbie i was gonna take rita out and have her picture taken on a lawn i had just cut and debbie thought that that would be funny...i just took it a bit farther. rita made her way from gastown to north van to granville island and over to (g)arbutus and back again...
now settled back here i think rita's traveling days are over for now...well, until i move when she'll be boxed-up and taken there while she waits for debbie to come and take her home...

g. xo

rita and gaary.

rita tries on some jewelry at the pickle.

rita helps out at jj bean.

rita shows the garbs how to sew.

rita enjoys some fish and chips.

rita enjoys watching the traffic go by.

rita loves sitting on a freshly cut lawn.

mishi and rita share some fries.

ps....i'm not insane nor do i have a lot of cats.

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