Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I’ve got a chipped tooth from when she hit me in the mouth with her bare hand last Saturday. We’d been out drinking and eating bbq and sometimes that’s all it takes to set it all in motion. The sauce is what gets me sometimes, it seems to make my heart speed up like two or three times its normal speed. I get pretty rangy on that shit and you add a couple beer to the mix and I’m like a spinning top inside. And she’s no better except that it’s apple cider, the English style 11 percent alcohol stuff that sends her reeling like a banshee. And Saturday after three strips of ribs and several ciders she just steps into me with a fist meant to deliver a whole lot of hurt. And it did. I was bleeding like a stuck pig and stunned at what she had done. All the while she was laughing like a crazy Hastings junkie with my blood all over her fist. People were looking at us, mainly her, like we were extras from deliverance.
I love her. I do. Crazy. I seem to love the crazy ones. I don’t know they’re crazy, when I first meet ‘em. But be it in the middle of the night or while eating bbq one night or after a show at a club, all of a sudden the crazy switch just flicks itself. One cried whenever I’d make her breakfast. True enough. Another would ask me about love triangles that I had no idea about. Or even knew the players involved. One girl opened the door while I was driving and before I could come to a complete stop, jumped out and ran into the street and waving at cabs to stop and take her away. I let her find her own way.
My lip’ll heal. No problem there and the sight of a scar won’t make anyone wonder. It may make me wonder but no one else. The line between love and lust and crazy and sanity are all so blurred for me now I can’t make any sort of comparisons between the four of them. And truth be told, there are so many other avenues of love or what we like to call it I can’t even begin to think of them all. Crazy. I think I, without knowing it before, love crazy. But sometimes there’s too much crazy. To bad you can’t order up just enough. Just enough crazy would be good enough for me.

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