Tuesday, July 22, 2008

rock show, rock on, show sale....

i was the bus master today taking no less than seven buses. and i have to say, and i have said this before, i don't hate the bus, i hate the bus when you have to transfer. and the fact that you never actually get where you're going - close maybe, but not really there. anyhow...i gave it a go today, as i have been for the last 48 days or so.
i had to go over to fraser street to look at a lawn that may become part of the trap line for lawn order. after i had a look-see i made my way over to see the kids at voltage and see what's what. on my way over, walking down 28th i saw a table near a fence with rocks in a bowl or dish. and as i got closer i saw that they were for sale. and why not? and if i wanted to buy one i was to put the money through the fence. i don't need a rock but maybe you do, and if ya do, 28th ave is for you between main and fraser. go girl.

i then, after a couple more buses, hoped the south delta 601 and went and saw issy. i thought it would be fun to have lunch with her - it was - and pick-up the sunglasses she had picked-up for me in point bob.
one of the pairs of glasses is so bad - the color of the frames (the brand is primo...) - that i may have to sell them back on ebay. they're brand new and i'm sure someone will/would love them...

issy was wowed by the new iphone (oh, i just got one..), especially with the photos on it and the fact i could take her picture with it and then make it big and small and back again...issy also asked me to explain the meaning of 'jingus', and now that i have i think she's gonna use it...go issy!
i then hustled back into town to try and get to 2nd city signs to pick-up a piece of cut vinyl i was having made for the topanga but when i got there they were having troubles with their cutter and it reading my file so...i went away empty handed but it wasn't a fruitless task as marcy had called and had decided to come and get me....so marcy gave me a ride home, dropped some gossip on me and we had a nice visit...
and so it was, my day. tomorrow is acupuncture at glow in yaletown - i know k-win....it was like a sign for above. i'm still gonna to your gal on burrard as well....i'm trying everyone...

good times...

g. xo

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