Thursday, April 24, 2008

lawns and dogs....

stella and rosie get down.

stella came with me on the lawn order rounds today - which was only two lawns but very important work doncha know...we did lisa's and the last next door - so stella got to meet (kind of..) kojak the guard dog and the woman next to lisa's gave me twenty bux even thiugh i told he i didn't want to take it...i've heard she's a great baker but still haven't seen a pie come my way...or cake..or ....
we then headed-up to jessica's and while i was doing the outta rass i put stella in the backyard so she could do whatever it is she does in backyards. matt, jessica's husband, came home and let their dog, rosie, out to play with stella. rosie's dog that has a ton of energy...more than stella may have wanted to deal with but she played along...rosie doesn't really understand the mower concept and was running around in front of the mower as i did the grass and she nipped at my legs as well...good times. whirling blades and frisky dogs...nice combo.
later on stella got to watch me wash the car, load some of 'he who can not be named on the blog' s stuff into my car for delivery tomorrow and then a trip to bosa to get a sandwich for the garbs - which we took to granville island...the garbs loves the new bosa club panini. then it was home to do laundry and watch the wings/colorado game...nice.
now it's bbq time...more as it develops.

g. xo

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