Monday, March 13, 2006

they're back....

i don't have that much to report but felt i should say but thought i should say something...i left my computer at work over the weekend so i was out of touch. we worked saturday on the shoot 'em up jet li flickola..good times. i love working on saturdays..awesome. i guess it'll help me pay for my new neon letter 'g' which i may head down to seattle to get next saturday or sunday...unless i'm working of course..
watched Walk the Line for the thrid time on saturday night..i know...i know...what an idiot...but i really like that flick and what the hell. i also watched 'The Weatherman' with nick cage too..i'm not sure what it was all about in the end but it was a nick cage kind of a way..
sunday was the big day...worked on larry for a bit just giving him a reasonable clean and the stereo working again, put things where they're suppose to be, was nice driving the wagon around on a nice day...this week i'll hopefully get the windlace and panels in and it'll be all done...then it was time for the sopranos. a whole new season, after almost 2 years of was great...daisley came over to watch it as did megan, the garbs and mishi...nice ...daisley brought japanese treats , pocky and nipple covers...i week same day, same station....
so..not much to really report but there ya have ut...

i love you

garn xo grannie fell and broke her say a little prayer for her and send some light her way...go ella go...

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