Wednesday, December 21, 2005

back at it...briefly.

so there i was yesterday..back at the BOC shop working away. it's been a while and part if me cares that i've been off a while, while another part of me couldn't care less... and i was doing one of my favorite things-painting. and a little insulation work. good times. good times. dan and eric were/are working on some sort of car crash fling-flang...i'll take some pics today amd show ya. in case ya care, and i know ya do, it's a new film called "the butterfly effect 2" a sequel to the aston kutcher star vehicle before it. i'm so excited. no kutcher but..that's ok.
went to the gym last night and test drove the new ipod... they play the fuckin' music so loud i can still hear it with my ipod on 3/4 volume.. so i'm a little bummed by that but what can i do? nothin'.
the not shaving thing is kind of stupid too... i look like an idiot...well, that's nothing new i suppose...
and yesterday as well, i had five toys on ebay and only one sold...maybe i was wrong putting them on so close to xmas...everyone's saving their cash for presents for loved ones...fuck that-BUY MY TOYS!

have a great day...

g. xo

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