Sunday, July 11, 2010

sun stroke and burgerfest

not me but my lawns (the sunstoke that is...) - let the brown lawn begin. every year around this time there are a few weeks, maybe more, where the lawn cutting slows due to the sun beating the crap out of the grass. i think this period started yesterday. a lot of my regular lawns got nothing more than a drive-by yesterday. it's ok. they'll be back.
i was up at 5:45 am yesterday as the sun wakes me up and then that's that - plus yesterday i had a bunch of shit to get done so, once my brain gets going on that and spinning it out and making plans, there's no more, cooking, banking, a trip out to issy's to say hello and pick-up some parcels she smuggled back for me...cut what few lawns needed it..
i also needed to get ready for burgerfest, a little bbq action that was here last night that centered around burgers, duh. i had called a few folks and said i was making burgers and that they should come by...and they did. it was great, and a perfect day/night for it. the deck really is starting to pay off. and now i have enough meat leftover that, i think, the garbs is gonna come by and hoss-down a couple more burgers tonight... lawn to cut today and some floor cleaning...

good times.

g. xo

scottie loves cute he is...

oh...and then he does this.

pam and tobe relax after some snacks.

corie helps pam stay hydrated.

katherine laughs at my tomato plants...i don't blame her.

ailsa and fiona enjoy some of the frozen pops i made.

the garbs and marcy.

the garbs and his burgers.


fiona loves the frozen pops.

and her burger.

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