Thursday, September 20, 2007


There's absolutely no reason to call this post Omaha. I just love that word. That name. Maybe that place. So Omaha it is. Kinda like the new Lawn Order shirts that will be coming out next year. Some will wonder about the picture on the front of them and why such a thing was choosen to represent lawn order. No reason. I just like it. More on that later sister.
Last night was then first night on the new bed – I know, so exciting…I think it may be ok but it’s hard to tell as I had a very restless sleep due to some issues with…well, stuff. Hopefully tonight it’ll be a little deeper sleep and I’ll be able to get a better idea – not that it matters really, this bed has to be the one as sleep country isn’t about to swap any more beds out for us so…
Last night, after we got home from the gym and a visit to capers (and Ang) with the garbs who we picked-up in transit, Stella decided to eat all the food Shauna had in her bag on the couch – which included – three cookies (large), left over chicken and beets in a takeout container, a milk chocolate bar and something else. Stella would eat until all the food was gone given the chance. So when Shauna got out of the shower and saw that Stella was in shit…good times.
This film job moves along at a pace I can handle but one that keeps us/me pretty busy. Thank god for Paul – our sixth man. In the world of drivers he really is the best. And really, he’s really part of the FX crew and not thought of a teamster driver. He makes me look good – or at least passable. I was on set today for the first time this show and it looked and smelled like every other film I’ve ever been on. Maybe I’ll go back in a few weeks and see if anything looks or smells any different. Probably not. And if you’re wondering, ands you’re probably not, why there are no set photos or alike it’s because I’m not allowed – so don’t fuckin’ ask.
Margs later on – I could use one. Gym first though, then margs.

More later as it develops.

g. xo

good shots of stevie welding...

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