Tuesday, September 08, 2009

open your mouth and say...

"ok, i'll meet you on the corner of richards and robson..."

i was a bit of a slacker yesterday but still managed to get out and get some shit done - including giving my printer at the shop a little bit of a workout, dropping off the mower and such and making up a lawn order bill or two...it's quiet at the shop on a holiday monday doncha know...
i hooked-up with marc again and went to layla's for a coffee up on west fourth...we had no plan so just hung out and drove around aimlessly and ended-up in west van dropping off a lawn order bill...so very exciting for muc. after a short stop at the whole foods in west van we headed-off to meet-up with corie and have some snacks at caffe barney on granville street...nice for those two to see each other as well. a couple of bombers and all-round good guys who haven't seen each other in a while. we laughed, talked and had a few drinks - and discussed playing video games (something i'm thinking of trying out....)
my next muc sighting will be thursday evening when we play hockey at brittania against the old dawgs...
if you wanna se some great old snfu/muc/bunnt pics...have a look here....

g. xo

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