Monday, May 18, 2009

ok...all clean

so...just in case you're keeping score at home.
after several trips to the home depot yesterday, on one of which i ran into my old high school pal and former cbc radio personality, katherine gretsinger, and was telling her son to get tattoos but just don't tell his mom and to also forget about post-secondary education and just go right into a trade (which i fully endorse..), i finally got the old dishwasher - (which is actually the new dishwasher...) to do it's thing. i ran a load last night as i cleaned-up the mess that my place had become and man, that thing cleans dishes alright. i have left the lower panel off for now and will run a few more loads before closing it up just in case there are leaks...
today is flower box and deck day...while at the depot yesteday i picked-up a few plants and will get them all set in and let nature take it's course. i'm a fan of the flowers on the deck...brings just a little bit of beauty to the hell that is gastown...or my portion of it.

g. xo

here are a few pics from the weekend so far....

karen sat with us for a few minutes at topanga sat. night...

the garbs pre-birthday meal...

corie takes advantage of the magic hour sun...

sara..last week blonde-ish..this week...brunette-ish...


stevie janz had me over to his place to 'cut his grass'...which was really more of a hack and slash with the weedeater, and a little lawn cutting...

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