Thursday, November 01, 2007

waiting and wondering and worrying...

...about some silly little thing that don't add up to nothin'....

who said that?..i know...means nothing here, really, except i love the song that that line comes from.

this morning don bull e.mailed me and was asking where his blog entry was for the day....i wish i had a better excuse that i do - i'm so fuckin' busy and so tired that it slips my mind...hey, i'm just being honest. trust me, if i had something noteworthy to report, i'd let ya here's what's what right now....

last night after many months, and maybe in fact a year or more of trying, i finally had dinner with dr. rob last night - he's back from his year sebatical and back to the grind teaching at UBC....he's got some shit going on so i wanted to see him and make sure he was ok and that things are moving along...i also just wanted to see him and shoot the shit. rob's a genius...and not in that kind of bullshit way people refer to people as genius - "he's a genius he can find anything and get it here right away...."...not that kind of genius - although, that kind of guy is a different kind of wicked smart....rob's a genius. like floyd. i like having dinner with him and chatting because it works my brain - not that i don't get a brain workout here, it's just a different kind of - stressful brain workout, dinner and conversation with rob - enjoyable brain workout. 'he who can not be named on the blog' joined us as well...he's a workout too of a completely different sort. we met at topanga - a place i have not been for well over a month...shocker i know.
shauna dropped me off there and then went and had her own dinner with ang at the ave grill up on's a nice joint too as i remember. they couldn't finish their meals and were sent home with silver tinfoil takeout thigys shaped like swans....nice...

i have been thinking about writing a 'zen and the art of motorcycle maintainence' book but centred around cutting grass and i told rob and 'he who can not be named on the blog' and rob, after hearing my pitch, loves the idea and wants to help me write it....he's a published dude doncha know, well, articles and such...he's a fuckin' doctor for god's sake...i don't want to give away too many of the details but suffice to say it would have lawn cutting tips, pictures of shit and the story of why i cut lawns - basically...a great read for when you're in the crapper....i have a title, now i just need to write it...
new big rookie shirts may be on the way...i am going to have to enlist the help of that don bull guy or byron to get it right but it should be a shirt all the kids will want...or not. there will probably be two won't get a choice of which one you get. tough fuckin' luck.

i love you all.

more later.

g. xo

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