Tuesday, November 27, 2007


we ain't in kansas anymore. that's the truth billie. we're building us a high rise - some people spell that as one word but i like the way it sounds when you pull them apart and leave just a little space in your intonation, that's fancy speak talk shit, and say high...rise...get it. try it both ways and you'll see what i mean. outside shauna's new office window is a perfect view of the new shit going up at the woodward's site. go man go. from her third floor office you see right down the alley between hastings and cordova, sight of the jackie chan classic 'rumble in the bronx' that tornack worked on i believe, and to the right straight up cambie street. pretty good view of the goings on in the hood. i went down there today for a little bagette lunch with her and stella - a grape and brie bagette....nice snack.
back at the salt mine we're working away making shit happen and getting shit done...it's kinda what we do.

more as it develops....

g. xo

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