Saturday, January 28, 2012

the end of days.

yesterday was the last day at the salt mine, for how long now one is really sure but i do know everyone to a man was ready for a break. as a last death throw we all went to lunch at rodney's oyster bar in yaletown. i had only been there once or twice before but remembered it being ok...and yesterday it was pretty good. i had a little clam chowder and then a dish of mussels...nice. everyone seemed to enjoy their goods and afterwards some went to play a little pool while corie and i drove up to west 45th ave and grabbed a vespa.
my pal simone, president of the vespa club, had a bike stored there, kinda, and needed it moved to her place on commercial so away we went. now i know that a vespa will fit, almost, perfectly in the back of the element. pretty good. a big thanks to corie for holding it steady while i drove - i had forgotten i had some tie downs in the back and that forgetfulness made corie use his arms a little more than he needed to....sorry.
ok...have fun today!

g. xo

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