Thursday, November 13, 2008

mr. unpopular.

i have been dealing with an issue in my building, or more specifically, my place for a while now in regards to my dryer...or i haven't been dealing with it - or not at the pace i should be...until today. sure, i made some inquires, asked a few questions, had doug - my caretaker dude, up here or a couple chit chats, looked at options, but today i finally wrote a letter to the strata council that will make me unpopular i'm pretty sure.
it's kinda a long and boring story but, suffice to say, i can't use my dryer as it, as it sends the air along the dryer vent, and as the water condenses, drips water, through a crack in the pipe, onto my neighbour below...nice. and he's a good guy. problem is, they, the council, have decided that anyone in the building that has this problem, has to deal with it themselves and pay for it themselves - the fixing of the vent...hhmmm...i didn't build the vent, i didn't install it, and they knew when the building was built that it was a problem...anyhow. i have consulted a few people and they're on my side and saying that the council cannot decide this on their own and well, they did....
we'll see what happens after the letter is sent asking them to pay for the repairs...could be good.

have fun.

g. xo

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