Sunday, September 21, 2008

what's up richmond?

this morning i ventured out to richmond to do the dog lawn but when i got there it really didn't need it and that coupled with the wetness made me decide to give it a pass - but hey, i love going for early morning drives to richmond, so it's all good...
the pickle was almost a shutout yesterday but i did manage to sell a few things so it wasn't a total blowout. he who can not be named came by for a visit and i had a some good out of towner customers that provided some good chit chats...i also made a little piece of garn art for shauna and did a couple more chores mishi had left for me. i'm gettin' shit done yo!

after work marcy called just as i was about to head home to a big red chair, tv and bbq'd sausages, and she was loking for someone to go grab dinner with so that worked out well..she came down and grabbed me and we headed up to barney's on granville..nice. that's too nights in a row that i've ended-up at dinner after the pickle when there was no previous plan...nice - the other night as indian food on fourth ave with my pal katherine hiyashi whose husband was outta town and she needed a dinner date and i owed her a birthday snack so that worked out...and she had just come back from burning man and had tales to tell. to the pickle. come on down.

g. xo

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