Monday, September 01, 2008

peach pie, blue sky and bbq at corie's....and katherine's..

i just have to say...shauna bought and dropped-off an an amazing peach pie, from aphrodite pies on fourth ave, that was, well, amazing. actually, it's still amazing as there's still half left. the garbs came over today and missed it completely, good thing. he didn't miss the eggs, big yummy or bacon however. he was out last night at auntie fanny's 80th birthday party and was hurtin' a little. thanks for the pie shauna!
ang was here as well this morning and she enjoyed some coffee as well as some bacon...and then she split. afterwards the garbs and i rode our bikes down to granville island to see mishi and get a coffee. oh, and we saw chris at jj bean and have made dinner plans with him for thursday night. we're gonna take him to topanga cafe. he needs a burrito or two and a few margs. it'll be good for him. i'm kinda excited about it. i think he's a little scared.
dinner was at chez tornack which is now chez great them kids is shackin' up. katherine had prepared some great grub that corie did up on the was great...some pork tenderloin - which i have in my freezer and need to cook-up - some steaks and some salmon...along with some great veggies and such..thanks for dinner kids.
i then booked out of there to meet-up with megan. we had plans to maybe see a movie, rent one, or just watch the time she got her it was all about tv...and peach pie. we watched home reno shows and megan made comments about how stupid some people are/were while eating cereal...after she had goten over the pie.
ok...bed time...

have fun.

g. xo

kristy - who we ran into at the market - had bought a stuffed raven/crow for her was wearing it on her head.


bearded mouth breather

bearded coffee drinkin' guy.

corie's deck and all his freakin' tomatoes.

garbs gets down.

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