Wednesday, September 10, 2008

did i ever tell you i love painting?..

well, i don't. but i was at it today. today was the day to paint the floor at the new headquarter store in richmond and i made the mistake of giving a time estimate of how long it would take to do. so i told the garbs and mishi, "i think it'll take three hours at the most...."
ok. so i headed out to richmond at 3:30 pm with ricardo and i just got home now. it's 11:48 pm as i type this. a little longer than three hours, but in my defence, there was/were things beyond my control. and let me say this, i really like ricardo but, being ready isn't one of his stronger points. it was a good thing i brought brooms - he had none, and tape, and's all done now and i'm hoping it's ok because since there's no lights in there yet, i had to go to the shop - boc - and get some work lights that i couldn't actually set-up in the space itself because i was painting the floor, so...i'm hoping the coverage was/is ok...and besides, i only had enough to do one coat so...that's that.

have fun....

g. xo

a little look before the paint...

almost done...notice -it's dark outside unlike the picture above.

nice platform i had made for the new store. hard to tell there what it is...but it'll be wicked.

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