Saturday, March 01, 2008

workin' a day for scotty hard

i posted a thingy on a group that's been formed on facebook re: doing some work for scotty hard (scott harding) and just wanted to put it out here as well. my long lost pal juliana raeburn is a hair chopper and is donating her services for haircuts if you say it's for the scott fund. get yer hair done, maybe an up-do or something, and she'll put the money you pay her towards the scott fund.
i have decided that for the month of march, all the lawn order/handy guy stuff i do for people who know scott, the money will go directly to scott. i've already done some work for mishi and will be cutting craig's lawn very soon. and remember i'm no handyman genius, just a guy who can help give me a call if you know scott and want to help but need some help yourself. we all do.
i've also decided, since friday was suppose to be my last day on the watchmen and now have to work monday, that monday will be a workday for scotty hard. a little bonus that was thrown my way that i will throw his way....i would have just spent the money on toys or burritos anyways...
take care scotty hard!

g. xo

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