Monday, March 03, 2008

one bad apple...

i'm not really sure what to say.
lawn order has always operated on the honor system. i come by and do your lawn, and when i see you, we'll settled up. i don't ask for money every time, i know people don't always have it on them, and that's cool. but that may have all changed today. it seems that lately my good nature and ability to trust those around me has been fucked over in the last few months. first big time rock and roller rich rock, who is now just referred to as 'that fuckin' loser' has fucked me over for 400 dollars and now a former lawn order client, who owes me 335 bucks, has made it clear to me that i'm never seeing that money - ever, or at least not for a long, long time. he's a little short at the moment. and because of this, i'm out 335 bux. fucker.
so, i guess now, lawn order and such will operate on a less informal basis. i cut, you get a bill and then you pay me...or i stop cutting. i hate the idea of that.
i've got to think about this a little more...i'm just stinging right now....

good times.

g. xo

1 comment:

Lena said...

man, that bites. maybe you could do something where you give them an invoice and the next time you show up they pay or you don't cut? billing people and/or bringing up payments for services rendered is the thing i hate the most about self employment...