Friday, September 08, 2006

these are the good times...

i know that in a few years corie and i will be sitting around having drinks and we will look back at this time as they good times...the good old days. the times that we lived the most we could have ever lived at this time...we lived our lives to the fullest. i know that day will come. and boy, will we laugh....
i just finished reading the new shepard fairey book 'supply and demand' and it was a better read than i expected. i, like everyone else in the world, had seen the OBEY Andre the Giant stickers plastered all around the streets and wondered what the hell...i found out a few years ago about shepard and the stickers and the propaganda style posters he was making and the obey manifesto and was very interested in it. his art has become so widespread now it's become used in commercials and advertising, the very things he was rallying against but his justification for the use of his art this way is detailed in the book. anyhow...i really enjoyd it. there are pieces of his art that reflect, to me anyways, some of the work done by cindy sherman and, more blatantly, barbara kruger. and it's just a good lookin' book.
ok..that's it for the art speak bullshit. i hate that shit.
the grey king ken saga continues, it was pointed out to me that he, besides being scuffed, was also missing some of his shitty. i am now fighting with the seller to send this sad gorilla back to england and get my money back...i'm not holding my breath.
i have a big bottle of advil that now lives right above my desk...i have never needed that shit as much as i do now...
somewhere out there, there's a driving trip with my name written all over it. and today i got an e/mail from my pal monica in NYC...she's moved into a new place..and she's gonna have a house warming party...maybe i can mae it...maybe i'll be working.

g. xo

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