Thursday, August 03, 2006

tamales, labitt action and meltdowns...

i had a couple meltdowns this week...nothing major but enough. kinda like if you crap your pants. it doesn't actually matter how much crap actually came out and is now hanging in your shorts...the fact is, there's crap in your pants. some is sometimes enough. i had a few heart pains this week, fixed a few things and tried to just look forward to my little trip to portland with the garbs. the network is off to seattle friday night for a swing dance exchange while the garbs and i eat burritos and look at art crap in portland. the garbs will get to eat some of the best mexican food and see a great city at the same time.
the week of work is over for me now. we're taking the friday off and working monday...somewhat retarded but whatever...
tomorrow morning i'm gonna drive down to point roberts and pick-up my new kaws toys...i think they'll be kept in the boxes and i'll visit them later on...maybe not...we'll see...
also tomorrow i'm sending renee, the designer of the coolerator shirt, her coolerator shirt. and drop off the toys i sold this week to the tattoo dude. good times for all...

right now i need sleep very soon...i'm full from my tamale dinner at topanga...i've been into the tamales lately...nice stuff...corie has also gotten on the tamale ain't a bad train to be on...

g. xo

ps...i've also started to take apart the labbit i'm going to blow-up. it's kinda a long story but frank kozik-who designed the labbit and many other toys, has been having a little fight with another toy designer...and i'm blowing up one of his toys...frank wants me too..i have his blessing. i'm doing it because i think david horvath is being a bit of a weiney! sorry, that won't make any sense to anyone outside the geeky toy community...anyhow...this toy is gonna blow sky'll be cool.

hal-day (or half-gay) lemay with his pal...

the labitt undergoes surgery...

1 comment:

domesticallydisabled said... wonder who got you on that tamale train?... ;)