Saturday, March 12, 2011

meatballs and coffee meetings

jerry pender - lawn boy's production manager

last night the garbs and i went to refuel for a last minute meal and, when we got there, i told him that it could be a little weird as i had been there for dinner the week before and had a less than stellar meal and had sent them an e.mail about it. and i was right...we were treated like gold. refuel really is great and they appreciated my candor and gave us a few little extras last night that helped put me into a heavy slumber once i made it home was a bit of a super meat fest - even the garbs thought it was a huge meal. thanks refuel!

damon - without whom i'd not be getting this lawn boy thing done...

and thank god for jerry.

i woke-up very early this morning and after doing the laundry, cleaning up, etc. i walked downtown and met with jerry, damon and the garbs to talk over some lawn boy issues and ideas - the garbs gave me some gold ideas last night so it was nice to talk about them today and see what jerry and damon thought as well. we're about a month away from shooting so it's starting to ramp up now - pretty exciting...
after the meeting the garbs and i walked around a bit and ended-up at 'meat and bread' on cambie where we both hossed-down a meatball sandwich....pretty good should go there.
tonight ailsa and i are going to la regalade for dinner - i hear it's fancy! it'll be nice to have a nice dinner with my ladyfriend.

have fun today!

g. xo

go see suckerpunch...

that's a sandwich!

the garbs after his sandwich.

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