Tuesday, January 05, 2010


last night i had some pause for thought...does that sound right at all? i stopped and thought for a second, or two. sometimes i have these moments in my head that seem to last for much longer than they actually last - i'm sure of that. seconds is really all they take but, you know when you see someone who's looking off into nothing and they look lost or dazed or...i feel like that after, i know it's happened and that som etimes people notice, or i think they do, but...well, maybe it's just me. maybe i'm the only one who notices. anyhow...i had a moment last night like that...but it was about something i had been thinking about for some time, off and on...you ever look at someone and try and think and figure out what they're thinking? i do. i did. it didn't work. i don't think.
i've started in again on 'cancer show'. well, i wrote today a little. i'm not sure what it is i'm writing or really where it's going but i do enjoy it. i've created a little 'stand by me' place but with more shoplifting and smoking and fighting. and kids who don't care. or something. 20 pages in and many more in my head...a novel idea that may well end up a long short story about living in a small town, wondering about life in that small town. i tried a couple of years ago to really get a move on this, i know, i know, 20 pages garn, but really, it's been a tough 20 and pages have been written and re-written and re-written (and i left it alone for over a year at one point...if you're not feelin' it)...i went to tucson with the idea of really getting down to it but i had a girl in my head and far too many distractions that i really made no headway...i still have a few of those distractions but i feel like i need to write, something. so i am. and don't think i'm a slacker. i have also been writing another thing called 'penny' and well....other things.
i feel better.

g. xo

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