Friday, February 15, 2008

you're in good hands with dr. dick

sure...i've been calling him dr. neil but really, he's dr. dick. but i guess that's actually not right, because he's not really dealing with your dick at all, he's more like dr. ballsack or senor scrotum...he's good though (4500 procedures a month between vasectomy and circumcision), anyway ya look at it. he's like a machine. quick bedside manner, trying to distract you as he goes to work on your jingus, pulling ut the jamgus..that sort of thin..."what do you do for fun?" is the first question and it goes from first answer was not, "i go and get a snip job on a friday morning, then head to urban fare for some bags of frozen peas.." so all done...seems fine and i'm back at work making more movie magic.

more details soon....or not.

g. xo

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