holy guacamole!
this morning after my jj bean stovetop espresso - which is running out quickly - i had a shower and headed out to go for a walk. i have, in the past, gone and looked at different university campus' when i've been close to them. i think i like them because they usually have somewhere you can sit and relax, get a little food, see the buildings - which on some campus' are awesome and if i'm feelin' frisky, grab a t-shirt as a momento...i love my chico state t-shirt. so today one of my destinations was the university here in oaxaca. it's a bit of a trek from my place but, as usual, it's sunny and what else have i got to do that's pressing? - nothing. so...away i went. when i finally got there - using a little spanish along the way to find my way - i realized the univeristy here is more like a small college. and due to the climate here - lack of water, excess sunshine, etc - finding a nice green area to have a little sit on or lie down on, wasn't going to happen. still, i'm happy i saw it, as small as it is...but bummed as they have nothing that says the name of the university on it...no biggie - i've got a lot of t-shirts. (i settled later on for a t-shirt i had seen a few times that's super gringo tourist gear....maybe that's why i love it so much....)
on the way back i took a different route and kinda got turned around and ended-up not where i wanted to be but....somewhere else - which here is a-ok, just different streets to see and more wacky shit to see. all good.
i dropped into a gallery i have been meaning to go to for a few days. it's a photo gallery that is having a show of two artists work - roberta neiman and per bak jensen. roberta's work there today was the main reason i went in. they were photos of telephone poles and the mass of wires crisscrossing each other and the tangled mess they can become. i was interested because i have a facination with lines and have taken some shots that have appeared on the blog before. at first i couldn't quite tell if the prints were photos or silkscreens made from photos. they have that slightly unreal look to them. i loved them. per bak's work is not unlike that of stephen shore or jeff wall (though not as grandiose (?) as wall's work) i really like his stuff...ok, i just looked on the net for some of his work and found mainly lanscapes, nothing like to work i saw today...still grwat work. enough art talk...good photos. good stuff.
today i picked-up a few things i have been meaning to get in the last week - some gifts, some moles, a bag for all the crap, etc...and i'm glad i contructed a plan in this regard...some investigation, some pondering, some quick attacks on places, and outta there. it can be a stressful adventure sometimes in the markets - confined spaces, vendors all talking at you (not to you), the smell of raw meat in the air (today was the first time i had to leave the meat/poultry area as i felt like i was gonna hurl..not kidding, it was bad...) and kids almost making you fall over them as they run by and then asking for some money from you...awesome shit - just in small controlled doses.
tonight pattie and i are going to casa oaxaca - again - and hopefully this time there's no wedding so we can eat there and not the retarded sister restaurant a couple blocks over. it's too bad richard won't be there...oh well, more food for us.
ok. time to have a little lie down and relax before dinner...i had a couple awesome tacos for lunch (not all tacos are created equal or look the same here...) but these were awesome. i also grabbed a horchata from the women next to the taco stand - a woman i had helped hours earlier when i was walking close to my place on the way to the university. she was using a had cart to move her supplies along the sidewalk and having some trouble so i asked her if i could help her...and next thing you know i'm the hand cart dude...good times.
garncarlos. xo
lunch today....spicy chicken tacos...these tacos are cooked flat on a grill and then rolled-up. unlike other tacos that are served on a smaller, hot tortilla and served flat. most street food is some variation or tortillas and fillings...just called different names...but all super tasty.

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