Tuesday, April 13, 2010

miss marcy fan-tastic

i had some shit to do today but seemed to be stalling a little this morning...i had a new lawn lined-up (more on that later as it's a good story...) but the rain put a stop to that so i had to re-jig my day. marcy's cooler fan at her place of employ - florist supply - had packed it in a few weeks ago so she had asked me if i could help them out...after a few e.mails and with the help of the good folks up at regal controls - great guys - a new motor for the fan was shipped in...and today became the day that i removed the old motor, wired up the new one and installed it...shit simple but a good job done. one more thing off the list - tomorrow corie and i are going to the gastown shack and fixing my leaky dishwasher....good times.

i've been giving away the plants that were here when i moved in...fawn took some lavender, her pal donna's gonna come by for some and nevada and a pal of hers have been by twice to grab stuff - lavender and other plants that i don't want....nice. i'm happy to give them away rather than have them end-up in the garbage. and nevada's friend is re-doing her entire garden so she's stoked...good for me, good for her.

ok...more later.

g. xo

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