Thursday, January 29, 2009

taking out the trash....

i told 'he who can not be named on the blog' that if he really wanted to get rid of his big ass tv, that we should put it on craigslist and it would be gone in less than an hour....he was suspect...i was confident. i'd been down this road before. hell, we got rid of al's car at the shop for a case of beer with an ad on craigslist, so a tv should be easy...after i got to his place, we put an ad up and shortly after, as i was driving down (g)arbutus street and before i was at broadway, i had my first call...and 45 minutes later, i was dropping off the tv to a guy at yukon and 5th ave. done. and he couldn't have been happier. all in all i had approx. 20 calls in less than a half and hour and one text message about the boob tube...
he also gave me a gordie howe bobble head that he no longer needed or wanted, a padded plaid work shirt/jacket thing that i gave to a guy named tex behind mishi's place - you may have heard of tex indirectly. he was on a bus a year or so ago, maybe longer, and had his throat slashed by a crazy dude - anyhow, he's got a new jacket, and he also sent me away with two backpacks. one of the internal frame variety and the other just a nice if ya need a pack, let me know....
fawn, corie, katherine and i went to topanga tonight and while they ate like reasonable people, i returned to the menu and ate a huge, sickening amount of food...i's just wrong. i long to return to the a la carte plates...i'm so close to the end though, i may have to keep the trek alive...i've been eating, otherwise, like a champ...nice meals made at home, salads, pork roast, soup, etc...oh well...
i was to start work this next money, the 2nd, but now will be starting on the 9th...all'll give me time to get a few more little things done before i get down to the grind..a grind i am really stoked about...
ok...i love you.

g. xo

that's a big tv.

the calls kept coming in...

bobblehead anyone..? it's gordie!

hey! it's fawn...

no one should eat this much food.

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