i'm tired and i can hardly get it all out.
this morning after getting my laundry sorted and plants watered i headed over to marcy's to help her and byron take some goods back to ukranian tire and exchange them for other ukranian goods and then to the home depot to buy some lumber to build a retaining wall of sorts for her garden. in between the goods exchange and the home depot we had a little breakfast at dockers on powell street, along with some coffee and tea and i ranted about the state of art in vancouver - which is fucked at the best if times, it's the truth. i will tell you this, and you can write it down, but one of the great unsung artists in this town, and it's a town, is neil wedman. while i have not seen great amounts of his work, what i have seen is great. ok.
neil wedman.

i had to bail on marcy and byron before it was all settled away but did manage to hammer in a few spikes and get things in place, but i had to get to the airport and pick-up corie and take him home so he could get ready for the big bombers game - our last of the season.
i got a nice sliver from the lumber...nice.

we played at 5 pm and, while it was a scrambly game, we got it together and won going away. after our game, beez, who plays on another team in our division came into our dressing room and asked if any of us wanted to play for them as they were short players... i asked mr. tornack if he wanted to play another and before you knew it we were out on the ice again. but in the end we/they lost by one goal. corie and i did our best - me scoring twice and corie scoring once, but it wasn't enough - fun though. i'm pretty tired now. i love beez.
we needed some food afterwards and headed to some joint on commercial drive of all places. i think it's called stellas. i called the farmer - as she will be refered to as from now on, and she headed down and joined us. and, ultimately, entertained us. i also ran into, kathleen - who is best described as my step-sister or...something..i dunno, her mom and my dad live together...like that. anyhow, she was there as well. we had some snacks, a couple of bad drinks - the beer is ok, the mixed drinks suck - at least the ones we had.
the farmer really doesn't like her drink.

then it was time to come home...i need a nap soon.
see you tomorrow.
g. xo
If Vancouver's a town what the hell is Smiters? A hamlet? What the fuck is a hamlet? A little sandwich? mmm I'm hungry.
Dockers is good, huh? I just went there for the first time last week!
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