it was a day of watching movies and thinking about getting things done. lots of thinking but not a lot of action. the weather has not been my friend the last day or so but then again, a little rain is ok...in fact, good for the lawns. i did cut one lawn today, after i managed to get out of the house and go get the mower and assorted crap. i had, the day before, gotten a slightly crazy but very entertaining phone call from a woman named miranda who needed her lawn cut over near commercial drive. she and her room-mate mona, had seen the lawn order blog and decided i was the man to call. they also noticed that i cut sometimes for barter and told me they played accordian and that mona was a very good hula-hooper and they could put on a show or something as partial payment. the garbs and i did a drive-by last night and looked at the feild that was their lawn and almost decided right there and then to give it a pass...but after talking with miranda today i decided i'd give it a go. the phone conversations were so entertaining i had to meet her at least....
so there i was at 5 something today in front of a house with a rather long 'lawn' and the rain not far away. these are the good times. miranda came out and i have to say i was a little shocked at first - she looks a lot like my good pal jessica stein...like her younger sister. it kinda freaked me out. we talked a bit and she revealed a lot of good details right out of the shoot. she has a rather suspect tattoo that i'm not sure i'm allowed to mention here - i'll have to ask her, she works as a paralegal, also works at a brick oven pizza joint near my place and is really excited to be going to the hall and oates show in august. ok. so after the initial talk it was time to get to it. all in all it wasn't that bad and for payment i decided that barter was more my deal on this lawn...we stuck a deal, i think, and that was that. during the negotiations it was made clear how small this town really is. she and i have many common people in our social circle or at least circle. all in all i think she was happy with the cut and i'll get my end of the deal soon enough...
dinner now.
have fun.
g. xo
another lower shot of miranda on her lawn.

miranda and mona shortly before the hula hoop came out.

go mona!

she has jess's hair that's for sure.
yes...very much so.
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